Shanti, Shanti, Shanti - Ameriga Giannone Mind Body Alchemy
Schermata 2022 01 01 alle 11.49.40

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Shanti Shanti Shanti and,
upon needed,
Fuck Off.

Being spiritual to me is to find meanings for what is happening.
To interpret the circumstances of my life in an empowering way.
To see that every hardship offers a lesson to learn.

Loss and betrayal have been my greatest teachers.

And yet I don’t want to impose a positive interpretation on anything that happens to me, just to feel some sense of control over my life.

Sure I am grateful to everything I have received, but I have been also disappointed, betrayed and manipulated.
There are people I no longer want in my life.

Shanti to all, but also, fuck off to some.

I am creating a new VIP list of people who deserve to be in my inner circle.

So yes,I am in a new stunning location, and I am channeling my energies in my present.

And this is certainly the best place for me to heal the open wounds that the recent changes in my life inevitably caused.

I feel that the best for me now is to take time for myself, even by being isolated and alone a lot.

Just like when you put a cast around a broken bone- not to heal it -but to create a safe space for it to heal itself.

I am so grateful to my community and to the people that have supported me in so many ways in the last few months.
You are in my VIP list.

Shanti Shanti Shanti, and Fuck off.

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